🥵 What they don't teach you in business school (but probably should)

Good morning/evening wherever you are! I hope you've had an amazing week. This week is a big one for me. Last night I recorded the last video that's part of the content in my first ever course. Long time in the making but it was definitely a milestone & I cant wait to give you more details soon. But for now...

Here are the highlights for this week:
❇️ The project that will change your life.
🤖 ChatGPT Prompt:
How to get ChatGPT to write an article that people want to read.
🧃 Creator Juice:
How to build your community using social media
🖼️ AI-Generated Images of the week:
Unlikely Apple products

🫀The project that will change your life

If you don't build your personal brand, one will be assigned for you.

Business schools (to my disappointment) do not teach you how to build your personal brand. I spent $100,000 to learn about business, finance, branding, brand management, retail marketing, consulting, and so much more but the truth is none of it is a Life Skill.

Life skills, in this context, are the skills that immediately provide you with a way to build income in your life as a byproduct of your self development. Even after taking on so many courses on subjects, we had to figure out how to build relationships, how to grow your network, how to position yourself for success not just your resume and cover letter best practices. Success is not solely based on knowledge acquisition, rather on the application of this knowledge in the real world.

Building your personal brand positions you in ways that an unaligned personal brand could never do.

An unaligned personal brand is this - A person who does not do anything to level up their skills for their personal growth. They might take up another course that their job demands if they wish to get paid more. That's not growth. That's just drinking some juice so that you can run faster on the hamster wheel thinking that you will go farther than you did before. While you stay stuck in this never ending loop and blaming the job or a lack of time, your perception as an individual is left to the masses to figure out. You do not have any control over the narrative and you freak out because you are unsure of what to do in order to fix it.

If this sounds like you, here is what you should do.

Start a new project - Building your personal brand by creating content that is valuable enough for someone who is just a few steps behind you and is looking to level up. Through this initiative, you will focus on learning new skills, acquiring new knowledge and figuring out new ways to build income for yourself in this economy.

Welcome to the creator economy.

🤖 Prompt: How to get Chatgpt to write an article that people want to read.

“I want to write an article about [insert topic] that includes stats and cite your sources. And use storytelling in the introductory paragraph.

The article should be tailored to [insert your ideal customer].

The article should focus on [what you want to talk about] instead of [what you don’t want to talk about].

Please mention [insert your company or product name] in the article and how we can help [insert your ideal customer] with [insert the problem your product or service solves].

But please don't mention [insert your company or product name] more than twice.

And wrap up the article with a conclusion and end the last sentence in the article with a question.”

🧃How to build your community using social media | Episode 10

Direct Links to: Spotify | Apple Podcasts

🖼️ Weekly AI-Generated Images

This week we have: Unlikely Apple Products

🧞‍♂️Your wish is my command

Every week I try to improve this letter more and more, hoping that it helps you in some way. What did you think of today's newsletter? Reply to this email and let me know what you'd like to see more of. I would really LOVE to hear from you. :)

Thanks for reading!

Until next time! 🤙

Until next time!


P.S. if you want to sign up for this newsletter or share it with a friend, you can find it ​here​.

If you would like to read any of the previous letters

The 5to9 Creator™┃VJ

You don't need to quit your 9-5 to build your personal brand. You just need a 5-9 that works. Every week, you'll get actionable tips to optimize your life, become a 5to9 Creator, and build your personal brand, all in a less than 4-minute read.

Read more from The 5to9 Creator™┃VJ

aaaaand WE'RE BACK!!! Hope your week has been amazing! We're getting back to our scheduled programming with a value-packed edition of the 5to9 Creator Newsletter. Happy reading! :) Highlights for this week:❇️ How to build your personal brand (without feeling fake).🦄 Creator of the week: @mahaonsocial🤖 ChatGPT Prompt: LinkedIn Headline Builder💡 2025 Graphic Design Trends🖼️ Fun AI-Generated Images of the week ❇️ How to build your personal brand (without feeling fake) I used to think “personal...

Heyy Reader, Hope you're well. It's been almost a month since I moved to my new place so I'm feeling a lot more settled in. It's been a crazy month with sooo many truck rentals that I even asked U-haul (rental company) for a membership. 😅 + I am obsessed with looking for things on Facebook marketplace. 🥲 Someone stop me before I spend more money lol Anyways... let's get into the details for this week! Highlights for this week:❇️ NEW: 717 Challenge🦄 Creator of the week: Leo Kellr🧃 PODCAST:...

Heyy Reader, Hope all is well with you. It's been super busy on my end. Recently moved out of the city to live in the suburbs of Toronto. Bought my first car in Canada. Got to spend time with my amazing sister who moved to Toronto. Definitely feeling happy and blessed. Hope amazing things are happening on your end too! Highlights for this week:❇️ How to get ahead of those around you🦄 Creator of the week: Adrian Per🤖 ChatGPT Prompt: Your personal ghostwriter🧃 Link to our latest Creator Juice...