
The 5to9 Creator™┃VJ

💰How to make your first 1$ with your personal brand

Published about 1 month ago • 3 min read

Heyy Reader, Hope you've been grood. This week's letter is packed with awesomeness!

Highlights for this week:
💰 How to make your 1st dollar with your personal brand?
🤖 ChatGPT Prompt: How to generate content ideas for your personal brand
🎨 My top 3 premium features on Adobe Express.
🧃 Link to our latest Creator Juice episode.
🖼️ Fun AI-Generated Images of the week

💰 How to make your first dollar online

There are various ways in which you can go about doing this. This is the basic blueprint you can follow:

  1. Identify your strengths: What is it you are good at? What is it that someone will be willing to pay you for? What is in demand? What do you enjoy? If you can find something in the intersection of all these things, that is the perfect place to be.
  2. Write about your expertise online: Whatever it is you are knowledgeable about, start writing about it online. You don't have to create a piece of content every day. But whatever frequency you are able to keep up per weeek, stick to that no matter what. It can always increase but never decrease.
  3. Network: Connect with new people every week. Document this process and keep track of every person that you connect with. In doing so you can make sure to stay on top of all your relationships.
  4. Create an offer: If someone were to come to you for help, what would you help them with? What would your process look like? (Write this down)
  5. Reach out to help 2-3 people for free (Optional): If you are able to build a case a few case studies, this will help strengthen your position when you approach new clients in the future.
  6. Marketplaces: Depending on your area of expertise you could also check out platforms such as fiverr. For example data analytics and 3D prototyping type of services are high in demand without too many people offering this service.
  7. As part of your networking, start to find people who would be prospective clients for your service. In many cases if you consistently show up and crerative content that speaks to your ideal audience, it would build the confidence needed for someone to give your service a shot.
  8. Bonus: UGC content is in demand. It's basically when you sign up to be someone who would create content that a brand can use. You would be the actor, director, producer and you get paid for it + FREE products if you're into that. You don't need an audience to do this but you need to know how to create content. Thats it.

Reply back to this email if you have any questions and I'd be happy to answer them. ✌️

If you would like to learn more about building your personal brand you can check out my course Personal Branding 101: Go from Invisible to invincible.

🎨 My top 3 favourite features from Adobe Express Premium

Recently I've been working a lot with the Adobe Team and I'm truly impressed with the new features they keep coming up with on premium.

Adobe is the leader in design so if you're looking to start designing posts for your social media, I highly suggest you check out Adobe Express. Here are my top 3 latest features:

Let me know if you get a chance to check out Adobe Express or reply to this email if you have any questions too. Hope you found this interesting :)

🤖 ChatGPT Prompt: How to generate content ideas for your personal brand

"You are an expert in coming up with content ideas that have the potential to go viral on social media. Come up with 5 recent topics that I can create content on the topic of Generative AI which has super high chances of going viral on Linkedin as a written post.

Here is what I would like you to do :

  1. Look for similar keywords on the internet
  2. Read some articles on the internet
  3. Comeup with 5 topics that I can explore with a score next to it on the possibility of going viral from a scale of 1-10

Note: You would have to use GPT4.0 or Bard or Co-pilot to use this as it would need access to the internet. This is also only a starting point and in no way perfect. It's just to get you going.

🧃EP13: Project 50: How creative challenges can boost your creator output

Direct Links to: Spotify | Apple Podcasts

🖼️ Fun weekly AI Generated Images

This week we have: New york in the year 2424

🧞‍♂️Your wish is my command

Thanks for reading! When you signed up for this newsletter, my promise to you was to help you empower your individuality and help you fulfil your true potential. What did you think of today's newsletter? Reply to this email and let me know what you'd like to see more of.

Thanks for reading.

Until next time!


P.S. if you want to sign up for this newsletter or share it with a friend, you can find it ​here​.

If you would like to read any of the previous letters

The 5to9 Creator™┃VJ


You don't need to quit your 9-5 to build your personal brand. You just need a 5-9 that works. Every week, you'll get actionable tips to optimize your life, become a 5to9 Creator, and build your personal brand, all in a less than 4-minute read.

Read more from The 5to9 Creator™┃VJ

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