
The 5to9 Creator™┃VJ

😵‍💫 Avoid doing this when building your personal brand.

Published 3 months ago • 2 min read

Heyy Reader, Hope your week has been great.

📣 Shoutout to Radiana Miteva for pointing out the quality of the header image in the newsletter(Now updated😬). 🙌 I appreciate the feedback. This newsletter would not be where it is without all your help. #growingTogether Please continue to share ways on how we can improve this newsletter.

This week we are touching base on our personal brand foundation.

Even if you think you have this stuff locked and loaded, it's always good to just check-in with yourself to see if something has changed...

Highlights for this week:
❇️ Self-Discovery to check-in with yourself
🤖 ChatGPT Prompt: Come up with viral content ideas
🧃 Podcast: How to improve your social media engagement

❇️ Self-discovery - What people miss out on when building their personal brand.

We are so drawn in by what we SEE being executed by the personal brands of the world, we don't realize that the visual brand is only the tip of the iceberg.

NOT working on the "Self Discovery part of your personal brand building process" is like a firefly without the fire. Your brand will just exist but it wont be deeply rooted in the person you really are.

What is Self-Discovery?
-> Its the process of identifying and understanding your true self. It's a process of getting closer to knowing your values, strengths, weaknesses and overall purpose of being.

If you would like to work on this:
I made a Worksheet called "The Power of YOU". It's a great starting point for you to think about WHY you want to build your personal brand & helps to go deep into thinking about who you are, your strengths and weaknesses and more. Click the image below to get the resource.

🤖 Prompt: Come up with Viral content Ideas to write about using ChatGPT4.0, Google Bard or MS CoPilot.

"You are an expert in coming up with content ideas that have the potential to go viral on social media. Come up with 5 recent topics that I can create content on the topic of [Enter your Topic] which has super high chances of going viral on Linkedin as a written post.

Here is what I would like you to do :

  1. Look for similar keywords on the internet
  2. Read some articles on the internet
  3. Comeup with 5 topics that I can explore with a score next to it on the possibility of going viral from a scale of 1-10"

🧃EP8: Listen to this if your social media engagement is down. 👎

Direct Links to: Spotify | Apple Podcasts

🧞‍♂️Your wish is my command

Thanks for reading! When you signed up for this newsletter, my promise to you was to help you empower your individuality and help you fulfil your true potential. What did you think of today's newsletter? Reply to this email and let me know what you'd like to see more of.

Thanks for reading.

Until next time!


P.S. if you want to sign up for this newsletter or share it with a friend, you can find it ​here​.

If you would like to read any of the previous letters

The 5to9 Creator™┃VJ


You don't need to quit your 9-5 to build your personal brand. You just need a 5-9 that works. Every week, you'll get actionable tips to optimize your life, become a 5to9 Creator, and build your personal brand, all in a less than 4-minute read.

Read more from The 5to9 Creator™┃VJ

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